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Jack Hawkins film reviews

Jack Hawkins

American actor

14 September 1910
in LondonCity of London, EnglandUnited Kingdom

18 July 1973

Born 14 September 1910 in London, died 18 July 1973 − British actor, four nominated for a BAFTA. Best known for The Goog Companions, Death at Briadcasting House, Murder will out, Shalako, Laurence of Arabia, The bridge on River Kwai. He often played friendly World War II officers. In his will published on September 20 1973 he left just £13,019 gross but the net amount was shown as nil. This was a result of high UK taxes and a reduction in his income following the surgery in 1966 which resulted in the loss of his voice.


Bridge on the River Kwai

as Major Warden

Cria Cuervos 1957

British prisoners in Malaya are forced to build the railway bridge, but their officer refuses to accept the ruthless approach of Colonel Saito towards his men.


The Bridge on the River Kwai

as Major Warden

Cria Cuervos 1957

British prisoners arrive to the construction site of bridge that will help the Japanese transport their troops to Burma. Their slave work will help enemy, but at the same time the sabotage will mean death.



as Reverend Otto Witt

Cria Cuervos 1964

British soldiers in the secluded outpost in the middle of Africa have to face the army of Zulus.


When Eight Bells Toll

as Sir Anthony Skouras

Cria Cuervos 1971

British Treasury agent takes up investigation into case of commercial ships going missing in Irish Sea.

Jack Hawkins often worked with