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Carl Foreman film reviews

Carl Foreman

American director


Bridge on the River Kwai


Cria Cuervos 1957

British prisoners in Malaya are forced to build the railway bridge, but their officer refuses to accept the ruthless approach of Colonel Saito towards his men.


The Bridge on the River Kwai


Cria Cuervos 1957

British prisoners arrive to the construction site of bridge that will help the Japanese transport their troops to Burma. Their slave work will help enemy, but at the same time the sabotage will mean death.


The Guns of Navarone


Cria Cuervos 1961

Group of commandos take up difficult mission to silence the German guns on small Greek island.


Force 10 from Navarone


Cria Cuervos 1978

Commandos from mission on Navarone are sent to different part of Europe, this time to occupied Yugoslavia, where their orders are to find and kill German spy that infiltrated local partisans headquarters.

Carl Foreman often worked with