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Film reviews, best films in history

Janusz Gajos

Polish actor


Four Tankmen and a Dog

as Janek Kos

Cria Cuervos 1966

Story of Polish T-34 tank crew that joins the offensive towards Berlin.


4 Alternative Street

as Jan Winnicki

Cria Cuervos 1983

People from different social groups are put together in a single house under the leadership of Stanislaw Aniol (Stanislaw Angel), who is far from being an angel.


Soccer Poker

as Jan Laguna

Cria Cuervos 1989

Referee Jan Laguna is about to end his long career, when strange things begin to happen in his surroundings and he soon realizes his whole life was a lie.



as Dobrowolski

Cria Cuervos 1992

During the Polish Uprising young Russian officer begins to realize how morality changes during the war.

Janusz Gajos often worked with