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Wieslaw Golas film reviews

Wieslaw Golas

Polish actor


How to Be Loved

as German soldier

The Sting 1963

During World War II aspiring actress Felicia is prepared to sacrifice a lot so her beloved could escaped death, but her unrequited feeling leads only to self-destruction.


Four Tankmen and a Dog

as Tomek Czeresniak

The Sting 1966

Story of Polish T-34 tank crew that joins the offensive towards Berlin.


Frozen Flashes

as Edward

The Sting 1967

While Germans are working on their secret weapon Allied intelligence tries to gain access to their high security base.


4 Alternative Street

as Majewski

The Sting 1983

People from different social groups are put together in a single house under the leadership of Stanislaw Aniol (Stanislaw Angel), who is far from being an angel.

Wieslaw Golas often worked with