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Talbot Rothwell film reviews

Talbot Rothwell

British director

12 November 1916
in BromleyGreater London, EnglandUnited Kingdom

28 February 1981

Born 12 November 1916 in Bromley - died 28 February 1981 - British film and television
screenwriter, best known as the author of the screenplay for twenty films from the popular comedy series Carry on... In his youth he was a clerk at City Hall, then became a police officer,later he joined the Royal Air Force and piloted military aircraft. During World War II, was shot down over Norway and taken prisoner by the Germans. Most spent the war in a POW camp Stalag Luft III in ¯agañ around today. There, together with actor Peter
Butterworth began to organize the performances for inmates, which Rothwell wrote the lyrics, and Butterworth was one of the performers. After the war Rothwell continued with his comedy writing, eventually achieving a degree of success in radio and on stage. He was awarded the OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) in 1977 for his services to the film industry.


Carry On


The Sting 1958

One of the longest ever series of comedy films and parodies made by great set of actors. Each of the films is different story and different set of characters, but the light atmosphere and the dialogues filled with innuendos are the trademarks of Carry On series.


Carry on Cabby


The Sting 1963

Neglected wife of taxi company plans to get revenge on her husband by starting her own company.


Carry On Spying


The Sting 1964

The secret formula was stolen from one of the government labs. The chief of Secret Service is determined to stop the formula from getting into wrong hands, so he sends his best agents. Well, best available anyway.


Up Pompeii


The Sting 1969

Series set in ancient Popmeii where Lurcio, the slave servant in senator Ludicrus Sextus house is telling stories of every day life. Or rather not every day.

Talbot Rothwell often worked with