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Stanislaw Jasiukiewicz film reviews

Stanislaw Jasiukiewicz

Polish actor

14 May 1921
in PlockMasoviaPoland

27 June 1973

Polish actor, film and television. He took part in the September Campaign of World War II, during the occupation acted in AK. Kaluga exiled to Siberia. He was a stage actor in Wroclaw and Warsaw. He received many national awards. He was a popular film actor and telewyzyjnym (played over 60 roles in theater, television). Best known for Knights of the Teutonic Order (1960), Mother Joan of the Angels (1961), Epilogue at Nurnberg (1971), Flood (1974), TV series Four tank and a dog (1966).


Knights of the Teutonic Order

as Ulrich von Jungingen

The Sting 1960

The tensions between Polish Kingdom and Teutonic order leads to one of largest battles of medieval Europe.


Mother Joan of the Angels

as Chrzaszczewski

The Sting 1961

Jesuit Suryn is sent to a remote monastery to investigate the rumors that the nuns and their prioress are possessed by the devil.

Stanislaw Jasiukiewicz often worked with