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Maria Schneider film reviews

Maria Schneider

French actress


Last Tango in Paris

as Jeanne

Cria Cuervos 1972

Two people in the difficult moments of their lifes start a stormy affair, but there is nothing between them but sex. On the surface, it is for them an ideal escape from the realities of their lifes.


The Passenger

as Girl

Cria Cuervos 1975

Journalist David Locke, bored with his life, goes to war-torn Chad. In the hotel room he finds man’s corpse and sees it as a chance to start a new life. He takes over his identity, but it turns out that the deceased was not an angel.


Bunker Palace Hotel

as Muriel

Cria Cuervos 1989

When revolution breaks out in the totalitarian state the members of the government use their secret bunker underneath the luxury hotel to hide from the chaos.

Maria Schneider often worked with