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Hugh Dennis film reviews

Hugh Dennis

British actor


The Christopher Marlowe Mysteries

as Dr Valentine

Cria Cuervos 1993

The Elizabethan playwright, Christopher Marlowe, is recruited to serve his country, but not as a spy, but more as detective.


My Hero

as Piers

Cria Cuervos 2000

Thermoman is a superhero who originates from the planet Ultron. He becomes George Sunday - a regular man, husband and father, but soon discovers it’s not easy to handle the family together with the responsibilities of superhero.


Not Going Out

as Toby

Cria Cuervos 2006

Lee is not very ambitious man, but he is lucky enough to share apartment with woman, who don’t mind his laziness.



as Pete

Cria Cuervos 2007

Pete and Sue have 3 lovely children. Well, at least they are lovely if you don’t have to live with them - inside their house is constant struggle to take control.

Hugh Dennis often worked with