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Amadu Mamadakov film reviews

Amadu Mamadakov

Russian actor


The Star

as Pvt. Temdekov

Cria Cuervos 2002

Russian scouts on a mission behind enemy lines.


9th Company

as Kurbashi

Cria Cuervos 2005

Based on true events story of Soviet 9th Company 345th Independent Guards Airborne Regiment surrounded on the Hill 3234 by the overwhelming mujahideen forces during Soviet-Afghan War.


Panfilov’s 28 Men

as Alikbay Kosaev

Cria Cuervos 2016

In 1941 German forces were closing on Soviet capitol city, Moscow, and they seemed to be unstoppable. But on a strategically unimportant part of the front line 28 Soviet soldiers had different view.

Amadu Mamadakov often worked with