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Alexei Sayle film reviews

Alexei Sayle

British actor, director


The Young Ones

as Jerzy Balowski

Cria Cuervos 1982

Four completely different university students share a house and constantly get involved in surreal stories with plenty of violent slapstick.


Whoops Apocalypse

as Commisar Solzhenitsyn

Cria Cuervos 1982

Shah of Iran had to flee his country and seeks refuge in Europe. Americans and Soviets see this as opportunity to put their cunning plans into action. Their plots can start the nuclear war.


Alexei Sayle’s Stuff

Cria Cuervos 1988

Comedian Alexei Sayle as a star of his own show - mixture of sketches and stand up comedy.

Alexei Sayle often worked with