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Criswell film reviews


American actor

18 August 1907
in PrincetonIndianaUnited States

04 October 1982

Born Jeron Criswell Konig, known by his stage names The Amazing Criswell or just Criswell, he used to be a psychic, who appeared in many radio and television programs, where he made predictions about future. At the beginning he gained some fame, but with time they became more of a joke than serious predictions. He also gained recognition by taking part in famous (or infamous) Edward D. Wood Jr movies, like Plan 9 from Outer Space or Night of the Ghouls.


Plan 9 From Outer Space

as Narrator

Cria Cuervos 1959

Sudden reports about flying saucers being spotted over Hollywood are the beginning of unusual case for the local police, who will have to search the cemetery for clues.

Criswell often worked with