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Edward D. Wood Jr film reviews

Edward D. Wood Jr

American writer, director

10 October 1924
in PoughkeepsieNew YorkUnited States

10 December 1978

Edward D. Wood Jr was became icon of filmmaking by gaining fame for being one of the worst directors in history, mostly due to his amateurish approach to filming his productions. He cannot be denied the passion and enthusiasm for making movies, but he simply lacked the skills and talent to make them at least watchable. Of course the cardboard props, semi-professional cast and constant lack of money did not helped, but his low quality scripts, poor handling of the camerawork and complete lack of editing made his productions stand out as real bottom of the low-budget films.


Plan 9 From Outer Space


Cria Cuervos 1959

Sudden reports about flying saucers being spotted over Hollywood are the beginning of unusual case for the local police, who will have to search the cemetery for clues.