The action takes place in a small town, where the main character, Jim, moves with his family. He is lonely and antisocial teenager, estranged from his family and the world of adults. In the new school, Jim befriends Plato, weak, alienated and introverted young man. Soon he also meets Judy, who is part of the gang that specializes in stolen cars races that are ending on the edge of the cliff. The head of the gang calls Jim to take part in a night race that ends tragically.
This film began a new era in Hollywood. So far the young generation with their problems was not represented in the cinema, and this film shows all the uncertainty, ambiguity and fragility of teenagers. At the time, the initiation into a gang seemed brutal and cruel. But it was a reflection of a new social ideology, a young generation that did not want to live like their parents, striving for wealth and stability. Young people wanted to express their rebellion, anger, resentment, feelings of lack of space on the ground. This is the second of the three big films of James Dean, that began to be shown when the actor was already dead. Thus he even more became the idol of juvenile rebels and imitated by millions - he was their legend.