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Yves Montand film reviews

Yves Montand

French actor

13 October 1921
in Monsummano TermeTuscanyItaly

09 November 1991

Born Ivo Livi.


The Wages of Fear

as Mario

Cria Cuervos 1953

Four drivers take well payed, but highly dangerous job - they have to transport the nitroglycerin through mountain roads using old trucks.


Grand Prix

as Jean-Pierre Sarti

Cria Cuervos 1966

The world of Formula One seen from the inside - literally. Cameras places on real racing cars going 100 mph.


I as in Icarus

as Henri Volney

Cria Cuervos 1979

Fictitious story strangely resembling the investigation in JFK assassination. And for a reason.

Yves Montand often worked with