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Toshiro Mifune film reviews

Toshiro Mifune

Japanese actor

01 April 1920
in QingdaoShandongChina

24 December 1997


The Life of Oharu

as Katsunosuke

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1952

Oharu, beautiful, ambitious and talented girl from a wealthy family could have hope for all the best in life, but in the realm of 17th century Japan, one event has decided about her whole future.


Seven Samurai

as Kikuchiyo

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1954

Desperate villagers hire seven samurai to protect them from the bandits.


Grand Prix

as Izo Yamura

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1966

The world of Formula One seen from the inside - literally. Cameras places on real racing cars going 100 mph.



as Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1976

Japanese fleet aproaches the strategically important Midway Atoll ready to destroy the airfield and attack the island, but what Admiral Yamamoto doesn’t know is that American know his plans.



as Cmdr. Akiro Mitamura

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1979

Soon after attack on Pearl Harbor Japanese submarine surfaces near the coast of California. They are here to attack Hollywood... if they can find it.

Toshiro Mifune often worked with