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Wladyslaw Kowalski film reviews

Wladyslaw Kowalski

Polish actor


The Road West

as Gorski

Cria Cuervos 1961

Retired train driver agrees to take over military train that goes into frontline zone.


The Killer Leaves a Trace

as Romek

Cria Cuervos 1967

During Wold War 2 Polish forces take over the building that was Gestapo headquarters hoping to find the list of German confidents. When the list disappears from heavily guarded building and man is found dead Lieutenant Lotar has to find the killer.


Red Rowan

as Jerzy Krecki

Cria Cuervos 1970

Polish forces engage in one of the bloodiest battles on the Baltic coast - the siege of Kolobrzeg, where well prepared Germans have no plans to surrender.


Smaller Sky

as Filip Szmidt

Cria Cuervos 1981

Artur, 45-year-old scientist, one day leaves his previous life, his family, his work and spends his whole days on the train station. None of his friends or family can understand why.


Les Milles

as Max Ernst

Cria Cuervos 1995

French commandant of the camp, where refugees from Nazi Germany are kept, risks a lot to save them from being sent back to Germans, who just invaded France.



as Game Master

Cria Cuervos 2001

Young woman is a best player in illegal computer game, but when she discovers there might be a higher level of the game that only the chosen ones can access, she takes a risk to find the way in.



as Professor Jan

Cria Cuervos 2007

In September 1939 Germans invade Poland, but just two weeks later Soviet army attack Poland from the east and Polish civilians and soldiers are trapped between two empires. The fate of Polish officers is sealed once they are arrested by NKVD.

Wladyslaw Kowalski often worked with