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Jozef Nalberczak film reviews

Jozef Nalberczak

Polish actor


The Road West

as Sovier officer

Cria Cuervos 1961

Retired train driver agrees to take over military train that goes into frontline zone.



as Corporal Edmund Szamlewski

Cria Cuervos 1967

True story of Polish outpost near Gdansk that held the superior force of Germans for several days at the beginning of World War II in Europe.


The Killer Leaves a Trace

as Klimczuk

Cria Cuervos 1967

During Wold War 2 Polish forces take over the building that was Gestapo headquarters hoping to find the list of German confidents. When the list disappears from heavily guarded building and man is found dead Lieutenant Lotar has to find the killer.

Jozef Nalberczak often worked with