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Aleksander Scibor-Rylski film reviews

Aleksander Scibor-Rylski

Polish writer, director


The Killer Leaves a Trace


The Sting 1967

During Wold War 2 Polish forces take over the building that was Gestapo headquarters hoping to find the list of German confidents. When the list disappears from heavily guarded building and man is found dead Lieutenant Lotar has to find the killer.


Golden Wheel


The Sting 1971

Investigation in the case of young boy’s death leads the police from one mystery to another.


The Nest


The Sting 1974

Mieszko, ruler of local Polans tribes, against the will of his father prepares for the clash against German Empire. But in order to save his people he has to find the way to baptise the whole nation.

Aleksander Scibor-Rylski often worked with