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Tomasz Zaliwski film reviews

Tomasz Zaliwski

Polish actor


Quiet Is the Night

as Commissioner Herman

The Sting 1978

Police commissioner takes over the serial child killer case, but his teenage son, trying to impress him, begins his investigation.


Operation Himmler

as Polish General

The Sting 1979

In summer of 1939 Germans are preparing the last element that will justify their invasion of Poland - the Operation Himmler - covert operation on the territory of Poland.



as Krupicki

The Sting 1982

Legendary partisans leader has to keep his unit together, but he has problem with keeping his own mind together.


The Golden Train

as Gorski

The Sting 1986

During German invasion in 1939 Polish government try to evacuate the gold reserves to Great Britain via Romania, which would be hard enough even without constant attacks from German saboteurs.

Tomasz Zaliwski often worked with