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Rebecca 1940 film review

Rebecca 1940 film review

Rebecca (1940, United States)

Running time
130 minutes
Our rating
★★★★★★★★★☆ 9 / 10

On the French Riviera young woman works as a paid companion to an old aristocrat. There she meets Lord Max de Winter, with whom she begins to be really close. Unexpectedly, the lord proposes to her, and she agrees to marry him against opinion of her older companion that she is not the right wife for such a man. There are also rumours that the first wife of lord de Winter, Rebecca, has disappeared in unexplained circumstances. The newly-wed couple move to de Winter’s estate in Manderley, where everything is strange and the girl feels uncomfortable. To make things worse housekeeper of Manderley, Mrs. Danvers, who was close with de Winter’s first wife, tries to undermine position of the new lady of the house and constantly is looking for an opportunity to ridicule her. Suddenly a dramatic turn of events takes place - near the Manderley a sunken boat is found and inside remains of Rebecca are discovered. Police reopens the' target='_blank'>investigation and Max is their main suspect.

Alfred Hitchcock said it was a very British film, although made in Hollywood and it was the first film of the master of suspense in the United States. The script was based on the novel by British writer Daphne du Maurier, and most of the actors in the cast were British. The tension in this movie builds up not from the events that take place, but from the relationship between the main characters. Also the scenery plays important part - large, isolated castle of Manderley castle created eerie atmosphere. Masterful directing and excellent acting - this is one of Hitchcock’s best films, though rather under-appreciated. The film received an Oscar for best film of the year.

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Creators of Rebecca

Alfred Hitchcock films

Alfred Hitchcock


Philip MacDonald films

Philip MacDonald


Michael Hogan films

Michael Hogan


Robert E. Sherwood films

Robert E. Sherwood


Joan Harrison films

Joan Harrison


Cast of Rebecca

Joan Fontaine films

Joan Fontaine

as Mrs de Winter

Laurence Olivier films

Laurence Olivier

as Max de Winter

Judith Anderson films

Judith Anderson

as Mrs Danvers

George Sanders films

George Sanders

as Jack Favell

Gladys Cooper films

Gladys Cooper

as Beatrice Lacy

Nigel Bruce films

Nigel Bruce

as Major Giles Lacy

Reginald Denny films

Reginald Denny

as Frank Crawley

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