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I Confess 1953 film review

I Confess 1953 film review

I Confess (1953, United States)

Running time
95 minutes
Our rating
★★★★★★★★★☆ 9 / 10

Otto Keller and his wife Alma are immigrants from Germany, in Quebec City in Canada, they work for Catholic priest Logan as housekeepers, Otto also works as gardener for a shady attorney Villette. One day Otto decides to rob the lawyer’s residence, but is caught red-handed by the owner. Keller sees no alternative than killing witness Villette. Immediately after this act he confesses to father Logan. In the morning, Keller returns to Villette’s house as nothing happened to "discover" the burglary and body, and then informs the police. Logan goes to the crime scene trying to convince Otto to confess the guilt to authorities. When the police starts the investigation, two witnesses mention that they saw a priest leaving the victim’s house in the morning. Logan can’t disclose the secret of confessional, so he refuses to answer police questions, making himself the primary suspect for this murder.

This film in the 1950s, especially in Puritan America, caused quite a shock to the audience. Violation of the social taboo, which is the secret of confession, triggered a wave of protests in the United States, but Hitchcock didn’t care about that. He emphasized that he was interested in the personal conflict of father Logan. And Montgomery Clift gives in this film a true, masterly performance as actor. His character comments on the course of events, but he does not take any steps to rehabilitate himself. Great movie, great performances, very good music score, tense atmosphere, as usual with Hitchcock, but a little bit extra. The script for the film was based on the French play Paul Anthelme under the title Nos Deux Consciences.

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I Confess videos

I Confess

Creators of I Confess

Alfred Hitchcock films

Alfred Hitchcock


George Tabori films

George Tabori


Paul Anthelme films

Paul Anthelme


Cast of I Confess

Montgomery Clift films

Montgomery Clift

as father Michael William Logan

Karl Malden films

Karl Malden

as inspector Larrue

Anne Baxter films

Anne Baxter

as Ruth Grandfort

Brian Aherne films

Brian Aherne

as Willy Robertson

Roger Dann films

Roger Dann

as Pierre Grandfort

O.E. Hasse films

O.E. Hasse

as Otto Keller

Dolly Haas films

Dolly Haas

as Alma Keller

Charles Andre films

Charles Andre

as Father Millars

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