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Stanislaw Mikulski film reviews

Stanislaw Mikulski

Polish actor



as Smukly

Cria Cuervos 1957

During Warsaw Uprising the insurgents are forced to enter the labirynth of sewer system in order to survive.



as Jacek

Cria Cuervos 1959

Polish underground prepares for assassination of General Franz Kutschera, known as "butcher of Warsaw".


The Last Ride

as Henryk Kowalski

Cria Cuervos 1963

When his shift-driver turns up dead in the remote place, the taxi driver Henryk becomes a suspect.


Stake Higher Than Life

as Hans Kloss

Cria Cuervos 1967

Polish agent disguised as German officer infiltrates the Abwehra to pass the informations to Allies.


Hans Kloss - Stake Higher Than Death

as Hans Kloss

Cria Cuervos 2012

Polish double agent in German army goes after his love and the famous treasure of Amber Room.

Stanislaw Mikulski often worked with