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Emil Karewicz film reviews

Emil Karewicz

Polish actor

13 March 1923
in VilniusVilniusLithuania

Polish actor, theater, film and radio. During World War II, went trail with 2 HR Army to Berlin. After war he performed in theaters in Lodz and Warsaw, where he played many important and famous roles. He is known for his many film roles, best known for How I Unleashed World War II, Knights of the Teutonic Order, Base of People Dead and serials Helmets and Hoods, More Than Life at Stake. In addition, there was, among others, Channel, Shadow, Bajland, series Black Clouds, doll, Polish Roads, Madness of Majka Skowron, Alternatives 4. He appeared in TV Theatre and Theatre PR. He received many national awards.



as Madry

The Sting 1957

During Warsaw Uprising the insurgents are forced to enter the labirynth of sewer system in order to survive.


Knights of the Teutonic Order

as Wladyslaw II Jagiello

The Sting 1960

The tensions between Polish Kingdom and Teutonic order leads to one of largest battles of medieval Europe.


The Last Ride

as Bartender Jurek

The Sting 1963

When his shift-driver turns up dead in the remote place, the taxi driver Henryk becomes a suspect.


On the White Trail

as Oberleutnant Weber

The Sting 1963

Weather station on Greenland picks up strange radio signal coming from the area and soon they are attacked by Nazi soldiers. German officer and the commander of the weather station have to find the way to cooperate in order to survive.


Stake Higher Than Life

as Hermann Brunner

The Sting 1967

Polish agent disguised as German officer infiltrates the Abwehra to pass the informations to Allies.


Frozen Flashes

as Jerzy

The Sting 1967

While Germans are working on their secret weapon Allied intelligence tries to gain access to their high security base.


How I Unleashed World War II

as Gestapo officer

The Sting 1970

Polish soldier that involuntary keeps getting in hot water during the World War 2.


Hans Kloss - Stake Higher Than Death

as Hermann Brunner

The Sting 2012

Polish double agent in German army goes after his love and the famous treasure of Amber Room.

Emil Karewicz often worked with