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Piotr Fronczewski film reviews

Piotr Fronczewski

Polish actor

08 June 1946
in LodzLodz ProvincePoland


How I Unleashed World War II

as Italian soldier

Cria Cuervos 1970

Polish soldier that involuntary keeps getting in hot water during the World War 2.


Poszepszynski Family

as Grzegorz Poszepszyński

Cria Cuervos 1972

The Poszepszynski family is not typical family, but in many ways it is - comedy show created as parody of popular The Matysiaks soap opera.


Come In 07

as various

Cria Cuervos 1976

Lieutenant Borewicz is not a typical officer - he is smart, witty and cool. Not a common set of characteristics for a policeman in a communist country.

Piotr Fronczewski often worked with