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Neil Patrick Harris film reviews

Neil Patrick Harris

American actor


Starship Troopers

as Carl Jenkins

Cria Cuervos 1997

Durign the colonization of far planets the settlers from Earth are attacked by alien species, so human kind prepares a military expedition to take care of the enemy.


Stark Raving Mad

as Henry McNeeley

Cria Cuervos 1999

Uptight Henry becomes new editor for horror books author Ian Stark, who has unique sense of humour and unique lifestyle.


How I Met Your Mother

as Barney Stinson

Cria Cuervos 2005

Ted Mosby tells his kids the story how he met their mother, but he is tells it in very small bits - each week a different part of his past that inolves his best friends Marshall, Lily, Robin and Barney.

Neil Patrick Harris often worked with