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Mark Strong film reviews

Mark Strong

British actor



as Pinbacker

Cria Cuervos 2007

When Sun doesn’t provide enough energy for Earth to remain the green planet a spaceship with huge bomb is sent to reignite the star. But on the way they discover the previous spaceship sent 7 years earlier that failed to accomplish the same mission.



as Frank D’Amico

Cria Cuervos 2010

Teenager Dave Lizewski decides to become a real-life superhero known as Kick-Ass, but at the first approach to fighting crime he is badly injured. While recovering he realizes that he actually gained a superpower.


The Eagle

as Guern

Cria Cuervos 2011

Son of Roman centurion sets to Scotland in order to retrieve the legion golden eagle and restore the honor of his father.



as John Washington

Cria Cuervos 2013

John Washington has special gift - he can enter someone else’s mind and see the memories of that person. But in case of teenage girl called Anna something strange begins to happen.


The Siege of Jadotville

as Conor Cruise O’Brien

Cria Cuervos 2016

During Congo Crisis in 1961 Irish unit of United Nations forces is trapped in the eye of political tornado - without support they have to defend their position that gives them very little cover.

Mark Strong often worked with