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Jerry Zucker film reviews

Jerry Zucker

American director

11 March 1950
in MilwaukeeWisconsinUnited States

Born 11 Marz 1950 in Milwaukee - American actor, known as the creator of the comedy with a distinctive type of absurd humor. Best known for Is Flying?, Top Secret, The Naked Gun series and others. In 1990 he was an independent director of the non-comedy film Ghost, nominated for an Oscar as the best film of the year. He also played bit parts in directed their paintings. Many comedy co-directed with his brother David and Jim Abrahams, forming a band with them Zucker-Abrahams director-Zucker-established reputation in the world of film.




Cria Cuervos 1980

Parodies of popular catastrophic movies of the 1970s - washed-out former airforce pilot tries to save his relationship with stewardess Elaine and climbs aboard the passenger plane. Later it will turn out that his pilot skills will be invaluable.


Police Squad!


Cria Cuervos 1982

Detective Frank Drebin is one of the finest detectives in Police Squad - smart, dedicated and most of all completely unpredictable, just like the stories he gets involved in.


Naked Gun


Cria Cuervos 1988

Detective Frank Drebin is dedicated to his work and will stop at nothing to prevent the crimes. But when he falls in love with beautifuk Jane Spencer his life suddenly changes. Movies based on characters from TV series Police Squad.

Jerry Zucker often worked with