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Graham Yost film reviews

Graham Yost

American director

05 September 1959
in EtobicokeOntarioCanada

Canadian film and television screenwriter. Best known for Speed, Broken Arrow, The Last Bastion and Hard Rain and the TV series Justified. He has also written for the television series Herman’s Head and Band of Brothers. he is the son of Canadian television personality Elwy Yost, the longtime host of the public broadcaster TV Ontario’s Saturday Night at the Movies. He won 2 Primetime Emmys.


Mission to Mars


Cria Cuervos 2000

Rescue mission to Mars discovers that previous spaceship have found something that looked like giant vortex with consciousness.


Band of Brothers


Cria Cuervos 2001

Real story of American paratroopers unit during World War 2 and their way through the worst battles of the conflict in Europe - from D-Day to crossing of Rhine.

Graham Yost often worked with