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Geoff Bell film reviews

Geoff Bell

British actor


Mike Bassett: England Manager

as Gary Wackett

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2001

After England football team manager suddenly suffer a heart attack FA has to find a replacement. Their choice, second division manager Mike Bassett, was surprise to everyone.


Mean Machine

as Ratchett

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2001

Former England captain Danny Meehan ends up in prison, where he gets tangled in struggle between governor and gangster Sykes. The only way out for him is to lead team of prisoners in match against guards.


Night Train

as detective

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2009

Night train in the middle of snowstorm stops on a secluded station. An odd looking man gets aboard and soon after is found dead by the conductor and two passengers. The strange looking box in his hands will change the drowsy atmosphere.



as Heinrich Muller

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2017

Reinhard Heydrich begins his career in Nazi Party and quickly raises in ranks, but with each step he gains more and more enemies. Until Operation Anthropoid has started.

Geoff Bell often worked with