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Dick Lowry film reviews

Dick Lowry

American writer


Smokey and the Bandit 3


Cria Cuervos 1983

Sheriff Buford T. Justice is about to retire and he accepts the challange from Big Enos to tranport stuffed shark from Florida to Texas. This time the Bandit has to stop him.


A Murder on Shadow Mountain


Cria Cuervos 1999

Barbara is shocked when her husband is arrested for murder from his past. She tries to find the truth.




Cria Cuervos 2001

Attila becomes a leader of the Huns by uniting the tribes under his command. Roman general Flavius Aetius realizes the empire will be next pray of the Scourge of God and prepares a plan to make use of the barbarian warrior to his own gain.

Dick Lowry often worked with