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Al Pacino film reviews

Al Pacino

American actor


Panic in Needle Park

as Bobby

Cria Cuervos 1971

Sherman Park is located in the Upper West Side part of New York. This area has poor reputation, locals call it Needle Park, where on the ruined benches, among the remnants of miserable trees drug addicts meet.



as Francis Lionel "Lion" Delbuchi

Cria Cuervos 1973

Petty criminal and former sailor travel through United States - one tries to open his own business, the other wants to see his child and ex-girlfriend.



as Tom Dobb

Cria Cuervos 1985

Fur trapper, who tries to keep away from politics, gets dragged into the American Revolution. To save his son he joins the army and follows the troops that are about to face the British.


Ocean’s Thirteen

as Willy Bank

Cria Cuervos 2007

Reuben has suffered heart attack when his business partner left him broke. Danny Ocean puts together his team again, this time to plan revenge.

Al Pacino often worked with