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1492: Conquest of Paradise 1992 film review

1492: Conquest of Paradise 1992 film review

1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992, France)

Running time
150 minutes
Our rating
★★★★★★★★★☆ 9 / 10

Spain, after almost 800 years of Islamic rule over the Iberian Peninsula, have reconquered their land in 1492. This was the turning point for the region and for the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, who is seeking funding for his expedition to find the western route to reach the India and thus break the dominance of Arabs in the trade with Far East. Columbus meets the Queen Isabella I of Spain, who despite the disaproval from her advisors is in favour of his plan. He manages to get the funding and prepares the expedition that will change the face of the world. But soon he will discover that the change is not necessarily for good and the Europeans joining the New World have different views from his own.

Monumental film presenting the expedition of Christopher Columbus to the New World, the America. Unfortunately the story is mixture of historic facts and legends surrounding the famous explorer. Nevertheless it is movie made with a lot of effort, good cast, very impressive scenery and magnificent soundtrack by Vangelis that actually overshadow rest of the movie.

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1492: Conquest of Paradise videos

1492: Conquest of Paradise

Creators of 1492: Conquest of Paradise

Ridley Scott films

Ridley Scott


Rose Bosch films

Rose Bosch


Cast of 1492: Conquest of Paradise

Gerard Depardieu films

Gerard Depardieu

as Columbus

Tcheky Karyo films

Tcheky Karyo

as Pinzon

Armand Assante films

Armand Assante

as Sanchez

Fernando Rey films

Fernando Rey

as Marchena

Michael Wincott films

Michael Wincott

as Moxica

Kevin Dunn films

Kevin Dunn

as Captain Mendez

Sigourney Weaver films

Sigourney Weaver

as Queen Isabel

Frank Langella films

Frank Langella

as Santangel

Arnold Vosloo films

Arnold Vosloo

as Guevara

Steven Waddington films

Steven Waddington

as Bartolome

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1492: Conquest of Paradise 1992 add comment
1492: Conquest of Paradise 1992 add comment
1492: Conquest of Paradise 1992 add comment
1492: Conquest of Paradise 1992 add comment
1492: Conquest of Paradise 1992 add comment
1492: Conquest of Paradise 1992 add comment