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Tim Robbins film reviews

Tim Robbins

American actor


Top Gun

as Merlin

Cria Cuervos 1986

Best American figher pilots compete for the honors and a woman.


Howard the Duck

as Phil Blumburtt

Cria Cuervos 1986

Howard, a duck-like creature from another world, is dropped to Earth, where he has to save our planet from alien invaders.


Mission to Mars

as Woody Blake

Cria Cuervos 2000

Rescue mission to Mars discovers that previous spaceship have found something that looked like giant vortex with consciousness.


City of Ember

as Loris Harrow

Cria Cuervos 2008

After war made the surface of the Earth inhabitable people have hidden in the underground City of Ember. The creators of the city left the important message that will help people 200 years later... if someone will still be interested in the message.

Tim Robbins often worked with