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Roger Moore film reviews

Roger Moore

British actor


The Saint

as Simon Templar / The Saint

Cria Cuervos 1962

Simon Templar solves other people problem with his unique mixture of charm, cunning, perfect manners and sense of humour.


The Wild Geese

as Lieutenant Shawn Fynn

Cria Cuervos 1978

Colonel Faulkner is an ex-soldier, now working as a mercenary for anyone that has enough money. His next assignment will put Faulkner in the middle of political and business intrigue in the heart of Africa.


Escape to Athena

as Major Otto Hecht

Cria Cuervos 1979

Prisoners on the Greek island plan to escape by... breaking into German military base.


The Sea Wolves

as Captain Stewart

Cria Cuervos 1980

During World War II veterans of previous wars join the special operation that will save life of many Allied soldiers.

Roger Moore often worked with