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Ricky Tomlinson film reviews

Ricky Tomlinson

British actor



as DCI Charlie Wise

Cria Cuervos 1993

Dr Edward "Fitz" Fitzgerald has one special skill - he can get into the criminal mind, which makes him invaluable for the police.


Mike Bassett: England Manager

as Mike Bassett

Cria Cuervos 2001

After England football team manager suddenly suffer a heart attack FA has to find a replacement. Their choice, second division manager Mike Bassett, was surprise to everyone.


Mike Bassett: Manager

as Mike Bassett

Cria Cuervos 2005

After success with England national team Mike Bassett takes up a new challenge - he becomes manager of local football team Wirral County, where his father used to play. He does not realize how great that challenge really is.

Ricky Tomlinson often worked with