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Ray Galton film reviews

Ray Galton

British director


Hancock’s Half Hour


Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1954

One of the first situation comedy series later turned into TV series. Each week Tony Hancock presents different story, but the main characters are usually similar - depressed and trying to improve their lives.


Hancock’s Half Hour


Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1956

One of the first situation comedy series in British tv. Each week Tony Hancock presents different story about life of his character falling into pieces, often with help of scheming Sid James.


Steptoe and Son


Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1962

Father and son run together "rag and bone" business (buying and selling old junk) and they don’t really get along - father is grumpy and doesn’t want to change anything, while his son wants something better from life.

Ray Galton often worked with