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Philip Pope film reviews

Philip Pope

British actor, director


Radio Active

as Nigel Pry

Cria Cuervos 1980

The Radio Active station offers all the "entertainment" you can take - from talk shows to live sport and from quiz shows to serious politics. Well, politics anyway...


This Is David Lander

Cria Cuervos 1988

David Lander is an investigative journalist always following interesting scandals, but not always with good results.


Chelmsford 123

as Grasientus

Cria Cuervos 1988

Aulus Paulinus, as a punishment given by the emperor Hadrian, is given the worst job Hadrian could think of - he becomes new governor of Britain. Although he heard about the land being damp and gloomy, the reality of his new job is worse than his worst nightmares.



as Announcer

Cria Cuervos 1990

Satire on modern television stations set on commercial success rather than quality of material. New satellite channel KYTV begins the broadcasting and offers different theme each week - from European Union to sex and from World War 2 to religion.

Philip Pope often worked with