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Monica Bellucci film reviews

Monica Bellucci

Italian actress

30 September 1964
in Citta di CastelloUmbriaItaly


Under Suspicion

as Chantal Hearst

Cria Cuervos 2000

Influential lawyer pops down to police station to answer few routine questions, but suddenly from witness he changes into prime suspect in the murder case.


Brotherhood of the Wolf

as Sylvia

Cria Cuervos 2001

Mysterious creature terrorizes the area of French countryside killing cattle, sheep and people. King sends a scientist to invetigate.


Tears of the Sun

as Dr. Lena Fiore

Cria Cuervos 2003

During fictious civil war in Nigeria American special forces are on the search and rescue mission to save the American citizen - doctor Fiore. Unfortunately when they reach her she refuses to leave without her patients.


Don’t Look Back

as Jeanne

Cria Cuervos 2009

Living with husband and 2 children in Paris Jeanne begins to notice the changes in her house - from misplaced items to whole rooms different from what they should look like, but at some points she stops to recognize her own face.

Monica Bellucci often worked with