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Jeff Daniels film reviews

Jeff Daniels

American actor



as Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1993

Depiction of the turning point of American Civil War - the famous battle of Gettysburg.


The Crossing

as George Washington

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2000

Depiction of Battle of Trenton and famous crossing of the Delaware River by George Washington.


Gods and Generals

as Lt. Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2003

The stories of generals from both sides of civil war presented in almost documentary like manner.


State of Play

as George Fergus

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2009

Veteran investigative journalist, while following the story of shot pizza delivery boy, stumbles upon a bigger story, which involves congressman Collins, who is a friend of his.

Jeff Daniels often worked with