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Jean Gabin film reviews

Jean Gabin

French actor

17 May 1904
in ParisIle-de-FranceFrance

15 November 1976


The Grand Illusion

as Lieutenant Marechal

The Sting 1937

During First World War the fate crosses paths of two officers, Frenchman Captain de Boeldieu and German von Rauffenstein, they meet in two different places, in different circumstances, but both try to aspire to their aristocratic morality in the times of war.


In Case of Adversity

as Andre Gobillot

The Sting 1958

Famous lawyer Andre Gobillot accepts the case of a young, attractive girl accused of armed robbery. Women can not afford Gobillot’s fee, but offers him another form of payment...


The Tattoo

as Louis Marie de Montignac

The Sting 1968

The merchant of art discovers the unique piece, drawing of Modigliani, on which he can earn a fortune. But there is one minor technical problem - the drawing is in a form of tattoo on the back of a former soldier of the Foreign Legion.


The Dominici Affair

as Gaston Dominici

The Sting 1973

When British scientist is found shot on the roadside in France the police is anxious to close the case as quickly as possible.

Jean Gabin often worked with