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Jason Flemyng film reviews

Jason Flemyng

British actor


From Hell

as Netley

Cria Cuervos 2001

Loosely based on the real investigation in Jack the Ripper case.


The Bunker

as Corporal Baumann

Cria Cuervos 2001

During World War 2 German soldiers are trapped in the lone bunker in the middle of Normandy, but soon they realize they are not alone here.


Mean Machine

as Bob Likely

Cria Cuervos 2001

Former England captain Danny Meehan ends up in prison, where he gets tangled in struggle between governor and gangster Sykes. The only way out for him is to lead team of prisoners in match against guards.



as Stumbo

Cria Cuervos 2002

American submarine picks up survivors from lifeboat in the middle of Atlantic Ocean and strange thing begin to happen.


The Ghost Squad

as DS Jimmy Franks

Cria Cuervos 2005

After being fired from police force Amy Harris receives unexpected offer - some company manager wants to meet with her. Soon it becomes clear that the company is just a cover.



as Gil Becket

Cria Cuervos 2011

In 1215 English barons forced King John Lackland to sign the Magna Carta reform that took away part of his power. John did not took it well and soon went after the people, who opposed him.

Jason Flemyng often worked with