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Jamie Bell film reviews

Jamie Bell

British actor



as Private Shakespeare

The Sting 2002

British infantry unit gets lost in the fog during World War I and stumble upon a trench, where everything seems to be evil.


Flags of Our Fathers

as Private Ralph Ignatowski

The Sting 2006

The story of US Marines that put up the American flag on top of the Mount Suribachi during Battle of Iwo Jima. As symbol of struggle on the Pacific they return to United States to take part in the war bonds drive.



as Asael Bielski

The Sting 2008

In Belarus Jews organize their own partisans group to protect their people from ethnic cleansings.


The Eagle

as Esca

The Sting 2011

Son of Roman centurion sets to Scotland in order to retrieve the legion golden eagle and restore the honor of his father.



as Edgar

The Sting 2013

Years after Earth has returned to ice age the only survivors are people on board of self-sufficient train that travels around the world.

Jamie Bell often worked with