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Gordon Jackson film reviews

Gordon Jackson

British / Scottish actor


Yesterday’s Enemy

as Sergeant McKenzie

Cria Cuervos 1959

British captain has to make a difficult decision when his unit is lost in the middle of Burma jungle.


The Great Escape

as Lieutenant Andrew MacDonald

Cria Cuervos 1963

Captain Hilts, escape expert, is transferred to a German POW camp, but this time he has to use his skills not to rescue just one soldier, but over 200.


The Ipcress File

as Carswell

Cria Cuervos 1965

Agent Harry Palmer is assigned to a new unit that is trying to find a kidnapped British scientist. But in the world of counter espionage nothing is simple.


Cast a Giant Shadow

as James MacAfee

Cria Cuervos 1966

Former US Army colonel accepts the offer to become military advisor and helps the Israelis form their defence against upcoming Arab invasion.

Gordon Jackson often worked with