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Edward Woodward film reviews

Edward Woodward

British actor

01 June 1930
in CroydonGreater London, EnglandUnited Kingdom

16 November 2009


The Wicker Man

as Sergeant Howie

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1973

Sergeant Howie travels to secluded Scottish island to investigate the case of young girl disappearance and finds the locals claim that she never existed.


Breaker Morant

as Lieutenant Harry Morant

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1980

During Second Boer War three officers of the Bushveldt Carbineers are accused of war crimes and put on trial, but there seems to be more to that story than meets the eye.


Hot Fuzz

as Tom Weaver

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2007

London policeman Nicholas Angel is transferred to a small village of Sandford, where his special skills will be wasted on petty thief cases or jaywalking. Unless there is some hidden agenda in Sandford.

Edward Woodward often worked with