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Derek Jacobi film reviews

Derek Jacobi

British actor


The Odessa File

as Klaus Wenzer

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1974

Journalist tries to unfold the secret organization Odessa that helps former SS member to avoid prosecution for their war crimes.



as Gracchus

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2000

General Maximus Decimus Meridius leads the legions in the great victory on the border of the empire, but soon his fate will change due to political intrigues.


The King’s Speech

as Archbishop Cosmo Lang

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2010

After the outbreak of the World War 2, King George VI must assume the burden of keeping up the spirit of the Britons, but what bothers him is his stuttering. He decides to seek help from a diction tutor, which will be a life changing experience for both of them.



as Baron Reginald de Cornhill

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2011

In 1215 English barons forced King John Lackland to sign the Magna Carta reform that took away part of his power. John did not took it well and soon went after the people, who opposed him.

Derek Jacobi often worked with