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Christian Slater film reviews

Christian Slater

American actor


The Name of the Rose

as Adso of Melk

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1986

When monks in 14th century abbey die in mysterious ways Franciscan friar William of Baskerville tries to uncover the truth behind it.



as Sergeant Pete Anderson

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2002

Film based on a true story of Navajo Indians, who were used during the World War 2 as translators to send coded messages between units on Pacific using their native language, which made it impossible for the Japanese to decode them.



as Slater

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2009

Sterling Archer is a super spy. At least in his mind, in reality he is immature womanizer with drinking problem. But what can you expect - his mother is his boss and his codename is Duchess.

Christian Slater often worked with