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Boris Strugatsky film reviews

Boris Strugatsky

Russian director


Roadside Picnic


Cria Cuervos 1971

Six zones on Earth contain mysterious and valuable artifacts, but to get to them the stalkers have to face the deadly anomalies.


Definitely Maybe


Cria Cuervos 1974

While his wife and son are on vacation astrophysicist Dmitry Malyanov is trying to work on his thesis, but chain of unusual events leads him to belief that someone is trying to stop him from finishing his work.


The Time Wanderers


Cria Cuervos 1985

Maxim Kammerer, head of the ConCom-2 department investigating Unexplained Events, begins to suspect that the recent incidents are somehow connected, but it will take all his skills to find the link between them.

Boris Strugatsky often worked with