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Bill Wallis film reviews

Bill Wallis

British actor


Chelmsford 123

as Emperor Hadrian

Cria Cuervos 1988

Aulus Paulinus, as a punishment given by the emperor Hadrian, is given the worst job Hadrian could think of - he becomes new governor of Britain. Although he heard about the land being damp and gloomy, the reality of his new job is worse than his worst nightmares.


War and Remembrance

as Werner Beck

Cria Cuervos 1988

Second part of the epic Herman Wouk novels - Pugh Henry and his family are spread around the world when war starts, now they have to find a way to survive.


The Christopher Marlowe Mysteries

as Ratsbane

Cria Cuervos 1993

The Elizabethan playwright, Christopher Marlowe, is recruited to serve his country, but not as a spy, but more as detective.

Bill Wallis often worked with