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Wojciech Siemion film reviews

Wojciech Siemion

Polish actor



as Lynx

The Sting 1959

Polish underground prepares for assassination of General Franz Kutschera, known as "butcher of Warsaw".


Destination Berlin

as Corporal Wojciech Narog

The Sting 1968

In 1945 Polish units attached to Russian army prepares to make a final push over the Oder River.


The Last Days

as Corporal Wojciech Narog

The Sting 1969

The last days of World War 2 in Europe seen from point of view of Polish soldiers assaulting Berlin in 1945.


The Secret of Coach 13

as conductor

The Sting 1993

When young Valentin agrees to join his eccentric aunt on the train journey from Paris to Moscow he did not suspected it to be one of the most exciting adventures of his life.

Wojciech Siemion often worked with