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Pierre Tornade film reviews

Pierre Tornade

French actor


The Tattoo

as Brigadier

Cria Cuervos 1968

The merchant of art discovers the unique piece, drawing of Modigliani, on which he can earn a fortune. But there is one minor technical problem - the drawing is in a form of tattoo on the back of a former soldier of the Foreign Legion.


Now Where Did the Seventh Company Get to?

as Capitaine Dumont

Cria Cuervos 1973

During German invasion three French soldiers are cut off from their unit and now have to find a way to cross enemy lines without being detected. With a bit of cleverness and huge shear of luck they are on the way for adventure of their lives.


The Seventh Company Has Been Found

as Capitaine Dumont

Cria Cuervos 1975

Chaudard, Pitivier and Tassin are again cut off from their unit, but this time by mistake they end up in castle used by Germans to keep high rank officers and they try to find a way to escape.

Pierre Tornade often worked with